Saturday, February 16, 2008

Getting Kids to Read

This is an older piece that I had forgotten about, but recently found buried beneath stuff. It's based on an idea that I had back in college. I'm not sure why I never did it then, but it's probably for the best. I'm not sure it would have come out this good if a 21 year old me tried to do it. Anyway, I have some new Gorilla Detective sketches that I'm working on. I'll post those soon.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gorilla Detective - Done!!

Ok, I think this is finally finished. For some reason, I encountered a ton of problems with this painting. It felt like every decision I made was the wrong one. Thanks to grad school applications, I got to step away from it for a while, and I think that really helped. Instead of making a lot of big changes while I was frustrated, I made a calm, rational one...I just lightened the sky. It might not seem like a big deal, or even show up in the photo, but this made everything better and now I can sleep at night. So yeah, here's Hank Gorilla: Gorilla Detective. Enjoy.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I'm Back

Sorry about the lack of posts. I just finished all my applications to Grad School. So, now I can get back to Illustrating. I'm going to finish the gorilla painting this weekend (I hope), and I'll put that up during the week. For now, here's a portrait of Orson Welles I did for someone awesome.
If anyone cares, there's a little inside joke in this painting. On the pipe are the letters TL - which stand for Turkey Leg. We (meaning me and the "client") used to joke about what happened to Orson Welles. He started out as a dashing young director who made the greatest movie ever, then somehow gained 100 pounds, grew an awful beard and was the voice of Unicron in the Transformers movie. What happened was all the turkey legs he ate. That's what did him in.